Your Right to Water

Nooksack Adjudication:

With the upcoming Nooksack Basin/WRIA 1 Adjudication, it’s vital that you understand and protect your water rights. We can help.


Aspect Consulting is the premier water rights consulting firm in Washington State. We have secured favorable water rights outcomes for our clients for over 20 years. Aspect is ready to help you successfully prepare for the Nooksack adjudication process.


What is an Adjudication & Who is Affected?

In the fall of 2020, after decades of unresolved water use conflict in the Nooksack basin, Washington State Department of Ecology announced they would be conducting a detailed review of all water users in the watershed.


Ensure your water is protected.

Ready to take the next step? Schedule your pre-adjudication water rights assessment now. Aspect’s Confidential Water Right Assessment allows you to prepare for the adjudication, reduce the risk that your water right will be diminished, and resolve any compliance issues prior to the adjudication.


About Aspect Consulting

For 20 years, Aspect has been securing favorable water right decisions for our clients.